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Hello, and welcome to the Adam Marikar Website.
I'm called Adam and I am 28 years old and am a dentist after studying at the University of Glasgow. This website contains a portfolio of my drawings and photos. Some of these have been edited on PowerPoint and Pixlr Express.
I am now on Facebook, instagram (@Adammarik.art and Unsplashed (not Twitter)
Architecture, Landscape drawings and photograph portfolio as well as graphic design
I started making websites on Microsoft word but then found Wix about 2 years later, and it was the best available on the internet. From there i scanned and photographed my art work from school and at home and edited them on Microsoft PowerPoint.
The website went online in early 2010, but soon after I deicide that I had less art work to put on. From this I decided to design phones because at the time Smart Phones were only just becoming popular. I did not have one myself but I took inspiration form designs to make my own on PowerPoint using freeform shapes and colours, and at school I became a hit.
In 2011 I came up with the idea of making a juice drink website and the name 'Splash' came to me from looking at words in a thesaurus. It first started with cans, then bottles and now pouches with new flavours and designs.
2013 saw updates to my websites, but in school I did some impressive ICT Couse work making a poster, quiz, website and an interactive fitness monitor programme using Microsoft Excel - achieving the highest grade in the past 4 years! It stills remains the highest up to 2017.
2014 was where I started my A level art so I could add more pictures to the website.
I also designed a website for my young enterprise group called Stickemz where I also designed phone skins and then in April 2014 I designed a website for Flixton Folk Festival for free which was a new experience to work with a customer. It has become successful after the new design was published and they were very happy with it.
After my A-level results in 2015 after achieving A*AA I reapplied to dentistry after getting rejected fist time, so took a gap year and volunteered in a café and worked in Selfridges. After finally only getting one offer, I accepted a place to study Dentistry at the University of Glasgow. Adam 2025

What do you want to see on this website and what should I draw?
What new project could I do? - Leave a comment or send me a email.
Do you need help with Website design or design in general (free)?